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26 junio 2012

|.dropets of life.\

.ojala el Cielo dejara caer 
su lluvia refrescante y liviana sobre mi
para renover mis piensos y renovar mi ser,
y asi dormirme con su arrullo,
dejar de llover por dentro 
y al final, evaporarme con ella al amanecer. 


|.photo by.: Lel4nd | BY |

23 junio 2012


.don't be afraid of highness,
it will give you something invaluable:

 | Lel4nd | BY |

21 junio 2012


.and here I'm, in the middle of nowhere
lost in the land of fear, 
but even though I'm hurt and broken
I feel clarity is on her way toward me.

(.hope not to be mistaken.) 

| asnagpal | BY-NC-ND |

19 junio 2012


.In the days of beautiful memories
I knew I could find my place in your endless sea of hope,
and be safe in it no matter what.

(.now I'm walking the paths of uncertainty and I can't remeber how to tick myself over) ...

| ashley rose, | BY-NC-ND |