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28 febrero 2010

[.taking chances.]

.(.I know.) crossing to the other side scares a little
 -'cause we never know what we're going to find there-
 but maybe what we've been looking for is waiting for us in there
and if we don't take the chance, we'll never be able to reach it.

(.whatever you're looking for take the chance and go for it!.)


25 febrero 2010

[.lovely breeze.]

.amo el sutil roce del viento,
-tan efímero y tan eterno al mismo tiempo
que así, sin estruedosos desvaríos
me hace sentir que la vida es más que sólo luz y calor.

(.cerrar los ojos y sentir la brisa fresca sobre la piel es delirantemente inspirador.)

[]: pikimota | CC: BY-NC-SA 2.0

22 febrero 2010

[.petite immensité.]

.Je suis juste une petite particule de ce vaste univers,
et malgré ma petitesse, je peux sentir son immensité
vivant sur le bord de mon existence.

. I'm just a small particle of this vast universe,and in spite of my littleness, I can feel its vastness living on the edge of my existence.

[]: john curley | CC: BY-NC-SA 2.0

04 febrero 2010


.rainy days like today make me feel an
unexpected freshness,
'cause I feel the dryness of my heart finaly vanish
with every raindrop falling on me.